
OVIPOSITION STICKGiorgia Li Vigni13 October 202313 March 2024


Code: P-04208

Monitoring device consisting in a hardboard stick for the oviposition.


Faesite stick

Target pest


Where to use

Garden, Greengrocers, Industry and warehouses of food, Orchard

Monitoring period

May, June, July, August, September, October

Code: P-04208 Categories: Flies, wasps, fruitflies and mosquitoes, Plastic trap

Monitoring device to detect the presence of Aedes albopictus and other mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. It’s composed of a little stick with a smooth side and a rought side. The rought side must be pointed upwards, in order to let the oviposition into the material roughness.

Frequency of controls

Weekly, change the trap after every check.

How to use

The stick must be used inside a preferably black truncated/conical container (as in the image above), which is not included in the sale kit. Place the trap in the open air, in a shaded area (for examplenear a tree or a bush), possible at 50/80 cm height from the ground. The black container must be filled with 2/3 of water. Pierce the container at about 1,5 cm from the upper edge, in order to avoid the excessive filling in case of rain. At every check, empty completely the water out, in order to avoid the pest proliferation.
The tiger mosquito lays its eggs on the rough part of the stick and only few of them on the water surface.

Place every 10 meters in smaller areas. In bigger areas (i.e parks) place every 50 meters.

Sizes and dimensions

Lenght 140 mm
Widht 25 mm
Height 2,5 mm

Outer carton: 50