
BED BUGS TRAPGiorgia Li Vigni13 October 20237 March 2024


Code: P-04179

Adhesive monitoring device to detect the presence of bed bugs.


Cardboard, Glue, Ready to use

Where to use

Hospital, Hotel, Motel, Nursing home, Train

Monitoring period

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Target pest

Cimex lectularius

Code: P-04179 Categories: Cardboard trap, Cockroaches and bed bugs

Monitoring device to detect the presence of Cimex lectularius (bed bug). The particular shape induces bed bugs to shelter inside it, since it reproduces an habitat they appreciate, and then remain stuck on the trap surface. It’s composed of:

– Plastic-coated cardboard holder
– Hot melt adhesive
– White silicone paper printed in black, with instructions for removal
– Double-sided adhesive

Frequency of controls

Weekly. Change the trap after two months (at the latest) or before if necessary.

How to use

Place under the sofa cushions, along and behind footboard, along and behind baseboard, behind frames, along and behind headboard, behind curtains or near vents, etc., of: hotels, motels, hostels, prisons, hospitals, under the seats of trains, buses, ferries.  The use in dusty or humid places can undermine its efficaceusness.

Sizes and dimensions

Length: 160 mm
Width: 85 mm

Pack: 10

Outer carton: 30